Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Semester Beginnings and Blogs

Each semester that begins brings a range of emotions. Uncertainty. How does this instructor grade? How demanding will she be? Will it be an easy class, or a hard one? How much time will it take? What if I don't understand the material? Eagerness. It's a chance to learn something new. It's a beginning, which always has its own rush of energy and enthusiasm. It's an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Annoyance. Textbooks are outrageously expensive. it's such a rush and bother to get everything lined up and ready for that first day. It's a hassle, and time missed at work, getting all those minute details taken care of during operating hours - which are the same hours you're at work.

I both hate and love the first day of class. I hate it because there's so much that has to be done, so much to get ready for. I love it because it's interesting to see what I'll be learning, what challenges I'll need to meet over the next four months.

One of those challenges is starting a blog. I'm not a good blogger. For many years now, several of my friends have tried to get me to blog on livejournal.com. I've had an account here for quite a while. My blogging, however, has been erratic. I have this mental resistance to the idea. So many people seem to use it as the one-stop update for all their friends, and so friendships devolve from daily or weekly conversations on the phone or via IM to a generalized form letter posted in a blog. The immediacy and intimacy of a one-on-one conversation is removed and the connection with the friend starts to fade. There's no longer anything special about the friendship; you begin to feel you're just one of many and your relationship means nothing more to the blogger than any of their other friendships do.

This isn't the case. Your head will tell you it's not true. But emotions seldom listen to logic.

Blogging is efficient and convenient. For this class, it should be quite interesting since none of us know each other. But I can't say I would recommend it as a way to keep friendships alive and thriving. :)


  1. i gotta tell you that after seeing your page i promise to truly become a better blogger. I'm enjoying watching the beauty of your page.
